JUMP TORainforest API DocumentationThe Rainforest APIAuthenticationPaginationDeprecationsconnectionsCreates a new connectionpostList connectionsgetGet connectiongetRename connectionputDelete connectiondeleteGet connection statusgetRegenerate API tokenputEndpointscallbackNotify Rainforest when a run webhook callback is completepostclientsFetch your account detailsgetUpdate account informationputFetch usage statsgetSelect different clientpostcredit_cardsList credit cardsgetenvironmentsList environmentsgetCreate a new environmentpostGet an environmentgetUpdate an environmentputDelete an environmentdeletefeaturesList featuresgetCreate a new featurepostGet a featuregetUpdate a featureputDelete a featuredeleteAdd tests to a featurepostRemove tests from a featuredeletefoldersList foldersgetCreate a new folderpostGet a foldergetUpdate a folderputDelete a folderdeletegeneratorsList generatorsgetCreate a new generatorpostGet a generatorgetUpdate a generatorputDelete a generatordeleteList generator rowsgetCreate a new generator rowpostCreate multiple generator rowspostGet a generator rowgetUpdate a generator rowputDelete a generator rowdeleteon_premise_crowdList On-Prem Crowd testersgetCreate an On-Prem Crowd testerpostDelete an On-Prem Crowd testerdeleterunsList runsgetCreate a new runpostGet historical credit usage for runsgetGet a rungetUpdate a runputCancel a rundeleteGet a run's JUnit XMLgetList usages for a rungetCreate a rerunpostCreate a rerunpostList tests for a rungetMark tests as viewedpostGet a test from a rungetList comments for a run testgetGet a step from a rungetrun_groupsList run groupsgetCreate a new run grouppostGet a run groupgetUpdate a run groupputDelete a run groupdeleteGet runs for a run groupgetCreate a new run group runpostGet run group elementsgetAdd an element to a run grouppostAdd multiple elements to a run grouppostRemove multiple elements from a run groupdeleteGet an element from a run groupgetRemove an element from a run groupdeletesitesList sitesgetCreate a new sitepostGet a sitegetUpdate a siteputDelete a sitedeletesite_environmentsList sites and environmentsgetUpdate a site-environmentputtagsList tagsgetRename a tagputDelete a tagdeletetestsList testsgetCreate a new testpostUpdate multiple testsputDelete multiple testsdeleteDuplicate multiple testspostTag a group of testspostRemove tags from a group of testsdeleteList credit costs for a selection of testsgetGet a testgetUpdate a testputDelete a testdeleteComment history for a testgetRun history for a testgetGet files for a testgetCreate a new file for a testpostGet list of run group elements directly or indirectly linked to the testgettest_resultsList test resultsgetusersList usersgetInvite a user to authenticated accountpostList all users with and without permissionsgetUpdate user permissisonsputReset the password for an emailpostGet a user's account informationgetUpdate a userputDelete a user accountdeleteRotate a user's API tokenputDelete a user's Omniauth provider profiledeletevm_stackList IP addresses testers come fromgetPowered by List foldersget https://app.rainforestqa.com/api/1/foldersList folders