Built-In Data

Learn how to generate random data for standard fields such as name, address, and email.


Use built-in data anywhere in your test steps to automatically generate discrete values for testers to enter. For example, in a signup test, you could provide first names, last names, and email addresses.

Adding Built-In Test Data to a Test Step

  1. In the step editor, click Insert Test Data to display the test data menu.

Adding built-in test data to a test step.

  1. In the pop-up, click any of the built-in data groups to reveal the placeholders.

Placeholders for the built-in data group.

  1. Select the placeholder you want to use. Then, click the Save button.

Built-In Data Types

Rainforest breaks out the built-in data types into three groups:

  • Date Time - populates the date and time when the test starts.
  • Rainforest - populates Rainforest environmental information when the test executes.
  • Random - populates randomly generated contact and location information when the test executes.

Date Time

Data Type
Populates date and time of the start of the run in “yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+Timezone change” such as “2022-03-29T15:11:30+00:00” for March 29, 2022 at 3:11pm and 30 seconds in UTC.
Populates date at the start of the run in “mm/dd/yyy” format such as “03/29/2022”
Populates date of the start of the run in “yyyymmdd” format such as “20220329”
Populates time at the start of the run in “hhmm” format such as “1511” for 3:11pm.
Note: Uses 24 hour clock and based on UTC.
Populates time at the start of the run in “hhmmss” format such as “151130” for 3:11pm and 30 seconds.
Note: Uses 24 hour clock and based on UTC.
Populates date of one week ago in “yyymmdd” format such as “20220322” if today is March 29, 2022.
Populates tomorrow’s date in “yyymmdd” format such as “20220330” if today is March 29, 2022.
Populates date of one week in the future in “yyymmdd” format such as “20220405” if today is March 29, 2022.
Populates date of one month in the future in “yyymmdd” format such as “20220429” if today is March 29, 2022.
Rainforest Date Time data types.

Custom Date Formats

Using any of the built-in time variables, you can specify custom date formats. This works by inserting (%m/%d/%y)at the end of the string and updating it to fit your needs. For example:

  • Today's date in the format DD/MM/YY would be entered as {{date_time.now(%d/%m/%y)}}, or for DD/MM/YYYY would be {{date_time.now(%d/%m/%Y)}}.
  • Today's date in the format DD-MM-YYYY would be entered as {{date_time.now(%d-%m-%Y)}}.
  • Today's date in the format YYYY/MM/DD the variable would be entered as {{date_time.now(%Y/%m/%d)}}.
  • To use with {{date_time.week_ago_yyyymmdd}}, you would enter {{date_time.week_ago_yyyymmdd(%d/%m/%y)}} for the date a week ago in the format DD/MM/YY.

For more information on formatting, please refer to Ruby docs for more information on how custom date formatting works.


Data Type
Populates with the base start URL of the test.
Populates with the Rainforest enviornment id.
Populates with the Rainforest test id.
Rainforest Data Types.


Data Type
A unique character string ending in the domain @e.rainforestqa.com.
A static URL paired with random.email in the format rainforestqa.com/{{unique character string}}.
The person’s first name, such as Korbin.
The person’s last name, such as Cartwright.
The person’s full name, such as Korbin Cartwright.
An 8-character combination of lowercase letters and capital letters, such as yGehSMZt.
Note: Users that join April 2024 or later will get randomly generated passwords that are 10 to 20 characters long, containing a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and at least one special character (! @ # $ % ^ & or *).
A URL to an image hosted on AWS S3.
  • https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/rainforest-random-images/001.jpeg
  • random.number
    A numerical value in the range of 1 to 1,000,000,000, such as 848598698.
    A 12-character value that includes an area code, number, and hyphens, such as 415-555-1212.
    The first line of the address, such as 123 Main St.
    The second line of the address, such as Apt. 992.
    The name of the city, such as San Francisco.
    The name of the state, such as California.
    A 10-character value that includes the ZIP+ 4 Code and a hyphen, such as 94104-0231.
    A 5-digit ZIP Code, such as 94104.
    The name of the country, such as United States.
    An 11-character fake Social Security Number consisting of 9 digits and 2 hyphens, such as 306-18-8104.
    The company name, such as Schoen, LLC.
    Random Data Types.

    Note: The following data types apply only to the United States:

    • random.phone_number
    • random.address_state
    • random.address_zip
    • random.address_zip5
    • random.ssn

    Notes on the random.image Placeholder
    When using random.image, the image is a hosted file. When the link is opened, it appears in a new tab.


    Sample Download Instructions

    Action: In a new tab, open {{random.image}}. Right-click the image and select “Save As.” Then, click the Save button in the modal.

    Question: Was the image downloaded and saved successfully?

    For information on other test data types you can use, see Using Test Data.

    If you have any questions, reach out to us at [email protected].

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