Best Practices
Learn best practices for using the Test Writing Service.
Following are the best practices we recommend when working with our Test Writing Service (TWS). For more information, see Using the Test Writing Service.
The most critical component for a successful TWS run is the information you submit. To ensure high-quality output and get your tests back fast, use the following guidelines.
A Working Environment
- Specify the environment and let us know if you’re using more than one.
- Ensure the environment is included in the Sites and Environments section of your account settings.
Ensure the environment is accessible 24/7 to accommodate Rainforest test authors in different time zones. - If required, the environment should support multiple concurrent testers.
- Communicate any major known defects in the app or test environment.
A common issue when making test requests is to omit required login credentials, resulting in delays. Make sure to provide a working set of credentials when needed.
Test Data
Our test authors can write Rainforest tests that pass when run once without other concurrent tests. To get the most value from Rainforest, you should run dozens—or even hundreds—of tests concurrently. Consider the following:
- Most testing scenarios require 1+ pieces of user data such as login credentials or dummy credit cards.
- Run your Rainforest tests concurrently.
- Run your Rainforest tests repeatedly.
Rainforest test authors can offload manual test writing and rewriting to save you time. But we don’t have permission to seed and reseed your database. Therefore, before submitting your tests to be written, we recommend the following:
- Create your test data (in your testing environment) and add it to Rainforest under Settings > Test Data before kicking off your Test Writing Request. Then, in your test writing instructions, specify which Test Data to use.
- Discuss a data reset strategy with your technical owner for Rainforest before running your tests. Consider setting up a regular database reset. Alternatively, you can set up a webhook to reset data before a Rainforest run. Doing so is more sustainable since cleanup within a test itself might not happen if the test fails.
Clear and Complete Instructions
- A brief but descriptive test title. Something that identifies the test and is descriptive enough to differentiate it from other similar tests.
- A descriptive test outline. Ensure there is no ambiguity. Provide a helpful indication of the expected outcome of the test.
- Avoid business-specific or sector-specific jargon. To make the outlines as test writer-friendly as possible, do not use business jargon. Test writers are unfamiliar with your application, so be as clear as possible and don’t use terms not reflected in the app.

Test outline examples.
Use Video Outlines
The preferred method for making a test request is to submit a video. Videos provide clarity and reduce ambiguity. They should include everything the test needs to cover. Make sure to narrate the actions you take and the expected results you want the test to verify.
For more information on how video walk-throughs work, see How to Submit a Video Walk-Through.

Video outline examples.
Video Walk-Through Example
If you have any questions, reach out to us at [email protected].
Updated over 1 year ago