Command Bar and Keyboard Shortcuts

Use the Command Bar and Keyboard Shortcuts to easily navigate through Rainforest.


The command bar and keyboard shortcuts are great ways to work faster and more efficiently. They allow you to perform common actions with just a few keystrokes, instead of having to click through menus or use the mouse.

Command Bar

The command bar is a modal that can be accessed from anywhere in the app by using the keyboard shortcut CMD+K(on a Mac) or CNTL+K (on Windows). It contains a list of product actions, along with their keyboard shortcuts. Once you’ve launched the command bar, you can start typing the action you’re looking for or click on the relevant shortcut.

Keyboard Shortcuts

In addition to the command bar, there are also a number of global keyboard shortcuts that can be used to perform common actions. These shortcuts are:

Create Test…C + T
Create Reusable Snippet…C + S
Create Run Group…C + G
Go to…
Go to Failed TestsG + F
Go to TestsG + T
Go to Reusable SnippetsG + S
Go to TagsG + A
Go to Saved FiltersG + V
Go to Run GroupsG + G
Go to ResultsG + R
Go to TasksG + K
Go to SettingsG + ,

Note: When you’re working on a test and haven’t saved your changes, activating any action that navigates away from the test will trigger a confirmation modal.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at [email protected].