Using Automation Logs
Automation Sub-Actions
With each Rainforest action, there are actually a number of sub-actions. For example, the action “Fill” contains sub-actions to search for an element, find that element, and press CTRL
+ v
to paste the text you specify into that element. Those sub-actions don’t all happen at the timestamp in the video at “Fill" – they happen in succession.

Using Logs to Diagnose Failures
When reviewing an unexpected test failure, investigating logs can provide clarity by revealing each sub-action that occurred. An issue that appears to be a "virtual machine" problem or a bug might actually be caused by a timing issue or unexpected interactions between the press keys that Rainforest uses to complete an action and the application's expected behavior.
Automation logs available by selecting the Automation logs button below the video while viewing a run failure. The logs will move through as the video replay moves through the test.
Use the time-stamps to compare Rainforest sub-actions with logs in other tools.

Toggling Time Preferences
Use the time button to see the timestamp for each sub-action in local time, UTC, or time passed relative to the start of the run.

Using Logs When Previewing Tests
You can also view logs while writing and previewing tests. Toggle the “Virtual Machine Console” on in the visual editor while previewing steps (N.B. These logs don’t save. Only run tests have saved logs).

Available Logs
Results after January 31, 2023 have automation logs available.
Updated over 1 year ago